Understanding color coding in Dark Age of Camelot

I n Dark age of Camelot there is a very consistant color coding system to tell you what "level" an object is compared to your level. This also works with the trade system.

Each item that is shown on your crafting menu is color coded to show you what its relative skill level is to your current skill level. There are 7 colors within Dark Age of Camelot for level distinction. They are in order of level: Grey, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red and Purple. With tradeskills you will never see the color purple.

NOTE: An important thing that all crafters are finding out is that no matter the color of the item, i.e. relative level of the item to your skill, as your skill goes up, the chance of getting a skill point from successes goes down. At around 300 it becomes very obvious, about 1 in 3 successes gets you a skill point in your primary trade skill. Many suspect there is a pattern, but we don't think anyone has gotten their hands around it yet.
Once you hit 500 skill your chances are very reduced, some are saying 1 in 10, others 1 in about 7 successes will gain you a point in your primary trade skill.

Now the way they show you the level difference is this:

Grey is trivial at your skill level, you will not lose material when you fail at making a grey item, and you will rarely fail;
Green items are easy to make, but not trivial yet;
Blue is below your skill level and you will still normally gain skill from making a blue item;
Yellow is within 10 skill point below your skill level, you will almost always gain skill by making an item of this color;
Orange is up to 19 points above your skill level, you will always gain skill if you succeed, but you can often lose material making such an item;
Red is well above your skill level and you will more than likely lose material if you fail, which you will do often.

      Skill Required to see it as  
Item Difficulty   Grey Green Blue Yellow Orange Red
15   65 46 26 15 N/A N/A
35   85 66 46 35 16 N/A
55   105 86 66 55 36 6
75   125 106 86 75 56 26
95   145 126 106 95 76 46
115   165 146 126 115 100 100
135   185 166 146 135 116 100
155   205 186 166 155 136 106
175   225 206 186 175 156 126
195   245 226 206 195 176 146
215   265 246 226 215 200 200
235   285 266 246 235 216 200
255   305 286 266 255 236 206
275   325 306 286 275 256 226
295   345 326 306 295 276 246
Italicized #'s -- You will not see these colors until you get promoted - even though technically it could show up in the high 90's

This table has been provided by Redoak.