Fletching Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The table below is a very compact and detailed piece of information about bows. |
The first column is the skill level required to make each bow at level 1 or using Rowan wooden boards. Each level above one requires 100 skill points above the base skill level. So to make a Rowan Short bow you would need a skill of 10, to make the same short bow but with Elm wood would require a skill of 110. The Weapons column is pretty self explanatory. The first of each item you can make, meaning level 1 items are called Short bow through Great Recurve Bow. At level 2 they get the name of the wood they are made from. So you would make an Elm Short bow or an Elm Great Recurve Bow. The next two columns are the quantity of material you will need to make each item. So to make a (Rowan) Short Bow you would need 21 Rowan Wooden boards and 2 Woolen Thread. To make an Elm Short bow would require 21 Elm Wooden Boards and 2 Linen Thread. The quantity of material is consistent for each level. The columns labeled level 1 through level 8 show the cost in coin for the materials to make each item. This can be a little deceiving. If you could buy just 24 Elm wooden boards and 3 Linen thread to make an Elm Short Recurve Bow, it would cost you 15 silver and 48 copper. However in order to get the quantity of material you need to make a single Elm Short Recurve Bow you would have to buy 40 Elm wooden boards and 20 Linen thread. The materials are only sold in stacks of 20. Keep this in mind as you go about making your bows. The two rows at the bottom of the table show the name of the materials for each level of bow you make. Other than the first, the bow will take on the name of the wood it is made from. |
The table below is a very compact and detailed piece of information about arrows. |
Some additional notes that you may find very helpful: Any footed arrows require a lathe, all other arrows can be made anywhere. Arrow commissions have recently doubled, making them MUCH more profitable. |
The first column is the skill level required to make each arrow. As you can see making arrows is far different than making bows. The second column lists the overall type of arrow: Blunt, Bodkin or Broadhead. The Third column lists the classes of each type of arrow you can make. The Cost column lists the cost to make a stack (20) of arrows. The Merchant loss column lists the approximate loss you will take if you sell your crafted items back to the merchants of Hibernia. This is approximate because it is based upon the merchant paying about 50% of the cost they sell the item for. You will notice there is no cost listed for Blunt Rough Clout arrows, merchants don't sell them so we don't have a reference for sell back loss. The remain columns between require some explanation and a Legend of sorts. First the Legend. As you can see there are 3 possible materials used during the process of making a set of arrows. Wood, Feathers and Metal. Within each catagory of material we have broken it down to the pieces through abbreviations. Wood has 5 different types that we believe arrows are made from, the abbreviations are: Rw -- Rowan; El -- Elm; Oa -- Oaken; Ir -- Ironwood; and Ht -- Heartwood.
Feathers also have 5 different types that we believe arrows are made from, the abbreviations are:
Metal has 2 different types currently, the abbreviations are:
The numbers in each column represent the quantity of that material needed to make a stack of 20 arrows. |
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