Leather Armor information

The table below is a very compact and detailed piece of information about leather armor. Some of the set costs exceed 100 gold, originally 100 gold was 1 platinum but late in Beta they changed it to 1000 gold was 1 platinum. Since Release, we have not heard which was going to be used.

Leather Armor Material Costs [Absorbtion of 10% for all]
Skill Rq Brea Thrd Lthr Rawhide [4] Tanned [10] Cured [20] Hard [30] Rigid [40] Embossed [50] Embued [60] Runed [70]
15 Gloves 2 3 15c 2s 52c 10s 8c 30s 24c 90s 72c 1g 81s 44c 2g 72s 16c 4g 8s 24c
30 Helm 2 12 49c 7s 92c 31s 68c 95s 4c 2g 85s 12c 5g 70s 24c 8g 55s 36c 12g 83s 4c
45 Boots 2 3 15c 2s 52c 10s 8c 30s 24c 90s 72c 1g 81s 44c 2g 72s 16c 4g 8s 24c
65 Leggings 2 12 49c 7s 92c 31s 68c 95s 4c 2g 85s 12c 5g 70s 24c 8g 55s 36c 12g 83s 4c
80 Sleeves 1 8 32c 5s 16c 20s 64c 61s 92c 1g 85s 76c 3g 71s 52c 5g 57s 28c 8g 35s 92c
95 Jerkin 3 20 81c 13s 8c 52s 32c 1g 56s 96c 4g 70s 88c 9g 41s 76c 14g 12s 64c 21g 18s 96c
  [SET] 12 58 2s 41c 39s 12c 1g 56s 48c 4g 69s 44c 14g 8s 32c 28g 16s 64c 42g 24s 96c 63g 37s 44c
Skill Rq Constaic Thrd Lthr Rawhide [6] Tanned [12] Cured [22] Hard [32] Rigid [42] Embossed [52] Embued [62] Runed [72]
35 Gloves 2 5 23c 3s 72c 14s 88c 44s 64c 1g 33s 92c 2g 67s 84c 4g 1s 76c 6g 2s 64c
50 Helm 2 17 68c 10s 92c 43s 68c 1g 31s 4c 3g 93s 12c 7g 86s 24c 11g 79s 36c 17g 69s 4c
65 Boots 2 5 23c 3s 72c 14s 88c 44s 64c 1g 33s 92c 2g 67s 84c 4g 1s 76c 6g 2s 64c
85 Leggings 2 17 68c 10s 92c 43s 68c 1g 31s 4c 3g 93s 12c 7g 86s 24c 11g 79s 36c 17g 69s 4c
100 Sleeves 2 11 45c 7s 32c 29s 28c 87s 84c 2g 63s 52c 5g 27s 4c 7g 90s 56c 11g 85s 84c
115 Jerkin 3 29 1s 15c 18s 48c 73s 92c 2g 21s 76c 6g 65s 28c 13g 30s 56c 19g 95s 84c 29g 93s 76c
  [SET] 13 84 3s 42c 55s 8c 2g 20s 32c 6g 60s 96c 19g 82s 88c 39g 65s 76c 59g 48s 64c 89g 22s 96c
Skill Rq Cruaig Thrd Lthr Rawhide [10] Tanned [16] Cured [26] Hard [36] Rigid [46] Embossed [56] Embued [66] Runed [76]
95 Gloves 4 10 46c 7s 44c 29s 76c 89s 28c 2g 67s 84c 5g 35s 68c 8g 3s 52c 12g 5s 28c
110 Helm 4 34 1s 36c 21s 84c 87s 36c 2g 62s 8c 7g 86s 24c 15g 72s 48c 23g 58s 72c 35g 38s 8c
125 Boots 4 10 46c 7s 44c 29s 76c 89s 28c 2g 67s 84c 5g 35s 68c 8g 3s 52c 12g 5s 28c
145 Leggings 4 34 1s 36c 21s 84c 87s 36c 2g 62s 8c 7g 86s 24c 15g 72s 48c 23g 58s 72c 35g 38s 8c
160 Sleeves 4 22 91c 14s 64c 58s 56c 1g 75s 68c 5g 27s 4c 10g 54s 8c 15g 81s 12c 23g 71s 68c
175 Jerkin 8 56 2s 28c 36s 48c 1g 45s 92c 4g 37s 76c 13g 13s 28c 26g 26s 56c 39g 39s 84c 59g 9s 76c
  [SET] 28 166 6s 83c 1g  9s 68c 4g 38s 72c 13g 16s 16c 39g 48s 48c 78g 96s 96c 118g 45s 44c 177g 68s 16c
  Materials   Leather Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed Embued Runed
      Thread Woolen Linen Brocade Silk Gossamer Silvan Seamist Nightshade

There is now a title on each table on this page. On the table above the title bar also lists the absorbtion of Leather armor. All Leather armor has the same absorption value.

Across the top you will notice the materials that Leather armor is named after. For instance Cured would be the prefix of every item made with Cured Leather. Next to each of these material names is the AF (armor factor) that each piece within that set provides.

The first column is the skill level required to make each piece at level 1, or using rawhide materials.  Each level above one, requires 100 skill points above the base skill level.  So to make a pair of brea rawhide gloves you would need a skill of 15, to make the same gloves, but with tanned material it would require a skill of 115.

The named leather (Brea, Constaic, Cruaig) column is pretty self explanatory.  Each piece is named based upon the leather material used to make it, i.e. brea rawhide gloves, Cruaig cured leather boots.

The next two columns are the quantity of material you will need to make each item.   So to make a brea rawhide jerkin you would need 3 woolen thread and 20 rawhide leather pieces.  To make a brea cured leather jerkin you would need 3 brocade thread and 20 cured leather pieces.  The quantity of material is consistent for each level.

The columns labeled Rawhide through Runed show the cost in coin for the materials to make each item.  This can be a little deceiving.   If you could buy just 4 linen thread and 34 tanned leather pieces to make a Cruaig tanned leather helm, it would cost you 21 silver and 84 copper.  However in order to get the quantity of material you need to make a single cruaig tanned leather helm, you would need to buy 40 tanned leather pieces and 20 linen thread.  The materials are only sold in stacks of 20.  Keep this in mind as you go about making your clothes.

The two rows at the bottom of the table show the name of the materials for each level of armor you make.  The item will take on the name of the leather it is made from.

The next table is the list of prices you will pay to a merchant for said item.  So the others of our realm that choose to purchase their goods from the Merchants will pay these prices.  Given the cost to make an item listed above, I believe that we, as trades folks, can provide a higher quality good at a lower price.
Note: Notice that Embued and Runed Leather are not listed.  Goods made from these two materials cannot be purchased by anyone but trade folks.

Leather Armor Merchant Costs
Brea Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 25c 4s 0c 16s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 2g 88s 0c
Helm 75c 2s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 4g 32s 0c 8g 64s 0c
Boots 25c 4s 0c 16s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 2g 88s 0c
Leggings 75c 12s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 4g 32s 0c 8g 64s 0c
Sleeves 50c 8s 0c 32s 0c 96s 0c 2g 88s 0c 5g 76s 0c
Jerkin 1s 25c 20s 0c 80s 0c 2g 40s 0c 7g 20s 0c 14g 40s 0c
{Set} 3s 75c 60s 0c 2g 40s 0c 7g 20s 0c 21g 60s 0c 43g 20s 0c
Constaic Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 35c 5s 60c 22s 40c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 4g 3s 20c
Helm 1s 5c 16s 80c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 6g 4s 80c 12g 9s 60c
Boots 35c 5s 60c 22s 40c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 4g 3s 20c
Leggings 1s 5c 16s 80c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 6g 4s 80c 12g 9s 60c
Sleeves 70c 11s 20c 44s 80c 1g 34s 40c 4g 3s 20c 8g 6s 40c
Jerkin 1s 75c 28s 0c 1g 12s 0c 3g 36s 0c 10g 8s 0c 20g 16s 0c
{Set} 5s 25c 84s 0c 3g 36s 0c 10g 8s 0c 30g 24s 0c 60g 48s 0c
Cruaig Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 70c 11s 20c 44s 80c 1g 34s 40c 4g 3s 20c 8g 6s 40c
Helm 2s 10c 33s 60c 1g 34s 40c 4g 3s 20c 12g 9s 60c 24g 19s 20c
Boots 70c 11s 20c 44s 80c 1g 34s 40c 4g 3s 20c 8g 6s 40c
Leggings 2s 10c 33s 60c 1g 34s 40c 4g 3s 20c 12g 9s 60c 24g 19s 20c
Sleeves 1s 40c 22s 40c 89s 60c 2g 68s 80c 8g 6s 40c 16g 12s 80c
Jerkin 3s 50c 56s 0c 2g 24s 0c 6g 72s 0c 20g 16s 0c 40g 30s 0c
{Set} 10s 50c 1g 68s 0c 6g 72s 0c 20g 16s 0c 60g 48s 0c 120g 94s 0c

This next table will be very useful for those of you who would like to work your tradeskills without doing consignments.  This table lists what the Merchants of our realm will pay you if you just make the item and sell it directly to them.  These prices are approximate but shouldn't be off by more than a few copper.  If you compare these prices to the cost to make an item, you will notice that you will lose coin, but not a lot of coin until you start to make the more difficult items.

Merchant Buys your crafted Armor for:
Brea Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 12c 2s 0c 8s 0c 24s 0c 72s 0c 1g 44s 0c
Helm 37c 6s 0c 24s 0c 72s 0c 2g 16s 0c 4g 32s 0c
Boots 12c 2s 0c 8s 0c 24s 0c 72s 0c 1g 44s 0c
Leggings 37c 6s 0c 24s 0c 72s 0c 2g 16s 0c 4g 32s 0c
Sleeves 25c 4s 0c 16s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 2g 88s 0c
Jerkin 62c 10s 0c 40s 0c 1g 20s 0c 3g 60s 0c 7g 20s 0c
Constaic Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 17c 2s 80c 11s 20c 33s 60c 1g 0s 80c 2g 1s 60c
Helm 52c 8s 40c 33s 60c 1g 0s 80c 3g 2s 40c 6g 4s 80c
Boots 17c 2s 80c 11s 20c 33s 60c 1g 0s 80c 2g 1s 60c
Leggings 52c 8s 40c 33s 60c 1g 0s 80c 3g 2s 40c 6g 4s 80c
Sleeves 35c 5s 60c 22s 40c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 4g 3s 20c
Jerkin 87c 14s 0c 56s 0c 1g 68s 0c 5g 4s 0c 10g 8s 0c
Cruaig Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 35c 5s 60c 22s 40c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 4g 3s 20c
Helm 1s 5c 16s 80c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 6g 4s 80c 12g 9s 60c
Boots 35c 5s 60c 22s 40c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 4g 3s 20c
Leggings 1s 5c 16s 80c 67s 20c 2g 1s 60c 6g 4s 80c 12g 9s 60c
Sleeves 70c 11s 20c 44s 80c 1g 34s 40c 4g 3s 20c 8g 6s 40c
Jerkin 1s 75c 28s 0c 1g 12s 0c 3g 36s 0c 10g 8s 0c 20g 15s 0c

Ok, the table below is a wonderful resource for those of you who want to know what kind of coin you are going to get from a consignment.   Consignment coin will vary based upon the quality of the item you deliver to the person that has requested the item.  The list below is based upon a quality of 90%, which is the least quality item you can produce with trade skills.  For each percentage over 90% you will gain a few copper more.   I know what the percentage is, but its a little difficult to explain it clearly.

Merchant pays consignment of:


Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 21c 3s 40c 12s 80c 36s 0c 1g 8s 0c 2g 1s 60c
Helm 63c 10s 20c 38s 40c 1g 8s 0c 3g 24s 0c 6g 4s 80c
Boots 21c 3s 40c 12s 80c 36s 0c 1g 8s 0c 2g 1s 60c
Leggings 63c 10s 20c 38s 40c 1g 8s 0c 3g 24s 0c 6g 4s 80c
Sleeves 42c 6s 80c 25s 60c 72s 0c 2g 16s 0c 4g 3s 20c
Jerkin 1s 6c 17s 0c 64s 0c 1g 80s 0c 5g 40s 0c 10g 8s 0c
Constaic Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 29c 4s 76c 17s 92c 50s 40c 1g 51s 20c 2g 82s 24c
Helm 89c 14s 28c 53s 76c 1g 51s 20c 4g 53s 60c 8g 46s 72c
Boots 29c 4s 76c 17s 92c 50s 40c 1g 51s 20c 2g 82s 24c
Leggings 89c 14s 28c 53s 76c 1g 51s 20c 4g 53s 60c 8g 46s 72c
Sleeves 59c 9s 52c 35s 84c 1g 0s 80c 3g 2s 40c 5g 64s 48c
Jerkin 1s 48c 23s 80c 89s 60c 2g 52s 0c 7g 56s 0c 14g 11s 20c
Cruaig Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 59c 9s 52c 35s 84c 1g 0s 80c 3g 2s 40c 5g 64s 48c
Helm 1s 78c 28s 56c 1g 7s 52c 3g 2s 40c 9g 7s 20c 16g 93s 44c
Boots 59c 9s 52c 35s 84c 1g 0s 80c 3g 2s 40c 5g 64s 48c
Leggings 1s 78c 28s 56c 1g 7s 52c 3g 2s 40c 9g 7s 20c 16g 93s 44c
Sleeves 1s 19c 19s 4c 71s 68c 2g 1s 60c 6g 4s 80c 11g 28s 96c
Jerkin 2s 97c 47s 60c 1g 79s 20c 5g 4s 0c 15g 12s 0c 28g 21s 0c

The table below is sort of the combination of the above tables.  This table shows the profit you can make from consignments based upon the following conditions:  First the cost to make is for the material and not the losses or the extra you have to buy to make an item.  Second the quality of the item is 90%.  If the item you make and deliver is of a higher quality, then your profit will be more than what is listed below.

So to give an example that hopefully will put this all together.  Lets say you make a Tanned Cruaig Jerkin.  Its going to cost you 36 silver and 48 copper for the materials.   Remember that you will actually put out more coin than that because you will have to buy 20 Linen thread and 60 Tanned leather and only use 8 thread and 56 leather.
  If a player wanted to buy the same jerkin from a merchant they would pay 56 silver.  The jerkin bought from the merchant would be 85% quality.
  For the rest of this example I will assume that the quality of the Tanned Cruaig Jerkin is 90%.
  If you decide to sell it to one of the many merchants of our realm, you will get about 28 silver, losing about 8 silver in the deal.
  If you are doing this for a consignment you will give it to the NPC and they will pay you 47 silver and 60 copper.  You will have made a profit of 11 silver and 12 copper.

As you can see you will continue to make more coin doing consignments, as your skill increases.

Consignment Profit
Brea Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 6c 88c 2s 72c 5s 76c 17s 28c 20s 16c
Helm 14c 2s 28c 6s 72c 12s 96c 38s 88c 34s 56c
Boots 6c 88c 2s 72c 5s 76c 17s 28c 20s 16c
Leggings 14c 2s 28c 6s 72c 12s 96c 38s 88c 34s 56c
Sleeves 10c 1s 64c 4s 96c 10s 8c 30s 24c 31s 68c
Jerkin 25c 3s 92c 11s 68c 23s 4c 69s 12c 66s 24c
Constaic Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 6c 1s 4c 3s 4c 5s 76c 17s 28c 14s 40c
Helm 21c 3s 36c 10s 8c 20s 16c 60s 48c 60s 48c
Boots 6c 1s 4c 3s 4c 5s 76c 17s 28c 14s 40c
Leggings 21c 3s 36c 10s 8c 20s 16c 60s 48c 60s 48c
Sleeves 14c 2s 20c 6s 56c 12s 96c 38s 88c 37s 44c
Jerkin 33c 5s 32c 15s 68c 30s 24c 90s 72c 80s 64c
Cruaig Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed
Gloves 13c 2s 8c 6s 8c 11s 52c 34s 56c 28s 80c
Helm 42c 6s 72c 20s 16c 40s 32c 1g 20s 96c 1g 20s 96c
Boots 13c 2s 8c 6s 8c 11s 52c 34s 56c 28s 80c
Leggings 42c 6s 72c 20s 16c 40s 32c 1g 20s 96c 1g 20s 96c
Sleeves 28c 4s 40c 13s 12c 25s 92c 77s 76c 74s 88c
Jerkin 69c 11s 12c 33s 28c 66s 24c 1g 98s 72c 1g 94s 44c

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