Scaled Armor information | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The table below is a very compact and detailed piece of information about scaled armor. |
There is now a title on each table on this page. On the table above the title bar also lists the absorbtion of Scale armor. All Scale armor has the same absorption value. Across the top you will notice the materials that Scale armor is named after. For instance Quartz would be the prefix of every item made with Quartz scales. Next to each of these material names is the AF (armor factor) that each piece within that set provides. The first column is the skill level required to make each piece at level 1, or using copper scales. Each level above one, requires 100 skill points above the base skill level. So to make a pair of copper cruanach gauntlets you would need a skill of 15, to make the same gauntlets, but with ferrite scales, it would require a skill of 115. Scale armor is unusual in armorcrafting because of the materials needed. The list above lists the raw materials needed to make any one piece. In reality each piece needs scales and a leather piece equal to the scale piece you are making. For instance to make a copper cruanach Hauberk you would need 15 copper scales, made directly from copper bars (20 at a time) and a rawhide brea jerkin. The problem you will find is that its very difficult to keep your tailoring up to a level where you can make the leather item for the scale armor. Often you will find that your tailoring is as high as it will go (75% of your armorcrafting) and the leather item is either not listed or its red (meaning difficult at best). I would recommend that you find a very friendly tailor that will make the pieces for you, with you providing the materials of course. The named armor (Cruanach, Daingean and Osnadurtha) column is pretty self explanatory. Each piece is named based upon the scales used to make it, i.e. Copper Cruanach gauntlets, Ferrite Osnadurtha boots. The next three columns are the quantity of raw material you will need to make each item. As we mentioned above the materials listed are the raw materials, the metal bars always need to be made into scales. You can do this with 20 bars at a time and using your metalworking menu. If your metalworking isn't high enough to make the scales, start working on those hinges and brackets. The rest of the raw materials are what is needed for the leather piece. Each of the types of armor (Cruanach, Daingean and Osnadurtha) need Brea, Constaic and Cruaig pieces respectively. You can either work on keeping your tailoring to a level where you can make the item, or find a friendly tailor to make the piece for you. The columns labeled Copper through Diamond show the cost in coin for the raw materials to make each item. This can be a little deceiving. The metal bars are priced based upon the number of scales needed to make the item. You can only make scales in stacks of 20, so you may need to purchase more bars than needed to make the scales. The other material assumes two things, one you will make the item yourself and again that you could purchase just the materials you need. The materials are only sold in stacks of 20. If you are going to have a tailor make the item for you, it may cost you a little more for the work he or she has done to get to the level needed to make the item. Keep this in mind as you go about making your scaled armor. The three rows at the bottom of the table show the name of the materials for each level of armor you make. The item will take on the name of the metal scales it is made from. |
The next table is the prices you will pay to a merchant for each item. So the others of our realm that choose to purchase their goods from the Merchants will pay these prices. Given the cost to make an item listed above, I believe that we, as trades folks, can provide a higher quality good at a lower price. Note: Notice that Sapphire and Diamond are not listed. Goods made from these two materials cannot be purchased by anyone but trade folks. |
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