Trade Materials

The Table below lists the names of the material you will use as a tradesperson. Each level equates to 100 skill points in your trade of choice. For example if you start in tailoring you can use woolen cloth, woolen thread and rawhide leather. Once you reach the skill of 100 you will then have the skills needed to work with linen cloth, linen thread and tanned leather. The items you make with the level 2 materials will be a higher level than those you made with woolen and rawhide. They will provide more protection and will fit more comfortably on a higher level person. This trend will continue for all the levels of material. Eventually, once you reach a skill of 700 in your trade skill, you will be able to start to work with the materials listed under the level 8 column.

Materials Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Leather Rawhide Tanned Cured Hard Rigid Embossed Embued Runed
Thread Woolen Linen Brocade Silk Gossamer Silvan Woven Seamist Nightshade
Strips Leaf Bone Vine Shell Fossil Amber Coral Chitin
Cloth Woolen Linen Brocade Silk Gossamer Silvan Woven Seamist Nightshade
Metal Bars Copper Ferrite Quartz Dolomite Cobalt Carbide Sapphire Diamond
Wooden Boards Rowan Elm Oaken Ironwood Heartwood Runewood Stonewood Ebonwood
Feathers Crow Hawk Gull Cockatrice Phoenix      

The table below lists the costs for a single "stack" of the material listed above. A stack of material is 20 pieces for all but feathers, they come in stacks of 5. For example for 20 pieces (a stack) of tanned leather pieces it will cost you 12 silver. g means gold, s means silver and c means copper. So a stack of Runewood wooden boards will cost you 8 gold and 64 silver. Believe me when I say that is alot of coin.

Cost @20 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Leather 75c 12s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 4g 32s 0c 8g 64s 0c 12g 96s 0c 19g 44s 0c
Thread 45c 7s 20c 28s 80c 86s 40c 2g 59s 20c 5g 18s 40c 7g 77s 60c 11g 66s 40c
Strips 1s 75c 28s 0c 1g 12s 0c 3g 36s 0c 10g 8s 0c 20g 16s 0c 30g 24s 0c 45g 36s 0c
Cloth 50c 8s 0c 32s 0c 96s 0c 2g 88s 0c 5g 76s 0c 8g 64s 0c 12g 96s 0c
Metal Bars 1s 75c 28s 0c 1g 12s 0c 3g 36s 0c 10g 8s 0c 20g 16s 0c 30g 24s 0c 45g 36s 0c
Wooden Boards 75c 12s 0c 48s 0c 1g 44s 0c 4g 32s 0c 8g 64s 0c 12g 96s 0c 19g 44s 0c
Feathers(@5) 10c 50c 2s 50c 12s 50c 50s 0c      

The materials listed above, up to level 5, can be purchased in the City of Tir Na Nog. The higher level material can only be purchased outside the city. So once you get to a skill level where you are working with those very valuable materials, you will have to travel to acquire them.

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